Convert Cable JST 2mm to JST(Molex) 1.5mm 2Pin


42 in stock

SKU: CAB1-301Code: CAB-JST-200-TO-150-2W


42 in stock

Converter cable to convert a 2 pin JST 2mm connector to a JST 1.5mm connector.  Both these connectors are often used with LiPo and other batteries for portable devices. Like remote controls, dashcams, GPS trackers, hobby and other small devices.

Ensure the polarity of the connectors and battery match your equipment! The red wire should connect to red or +(positive) of your battery and equipment. The black wire should connect to black or -(negative) of your battery and equipment. Connecting a battery with wrong polarity to a device will most likely kill it!


  • Connector 1: JST 2mm 2 pin
  • Connector 2: JST 1.5mm 2 pin
  • Cable Length: 50mm
  • Cable Gauge: 26AWG
  • Typical weight: 1g

Package Includes

1 x Converter Cable

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SKU: CAB1-301 Category: